
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Cause and Effect Essay TopicsIf you're working on a college-level English composition, or you're a first-year college student, you've probably already seen a lot of questions about the question of what causes what. And there are plenty of good reasons for asking that question. First, because it's so easy to see the big picture and the big cause. Second, because the cause and effect idea is the one that English writers have taken to heart most of all.A major theme in history is the power of the individual mind to work through what seems to be insurmountable odds. For example, the rise of the railroad through time may have been the result of sheer force of will, but the shift was a matter of improvements made in the engineering. And when they built bigger and better trains, there was an end to the bloody civil war. There were larger armies, too, that had to be defeated in their battles, but once the policy had been changed, the armies would come to focus on conquering their enemies rat her than subduing them. And so the policy of 'winning is best' became the most popular way to lead soldiers and officers.Now that we have seen this example, let's look at some other powerful ideas for exploring the cause and effect of our actions. What causes your beliefs, and vice versa?Your mind is a very powerful instrument, and you should use it properly. However, just like a person without a body, it can be biased and self-destructive if you don't use it right.I don't know of any authors who write with a closed, jovial or silent mouth; but I do know one who wrote with a hallelujah. Hallelujah! No more doing anything or waiting for anything, Hallelujah!One very simple, yet powerful effect that comes from studying the world is the effect that modern times have had on us. When the Industrial Revolution started, people didn't think they were doing anything wrong. They just thought that they were getting something for nothing.But now, people aren't gaining time by rushing into a hou se they're not sure they're going to be able to afford, while people driving around in a car are speeding all the time in order to do some business. And a result of that is a slowing down of the economy.

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